Dolly Parton's Mountain Magic Christmas follows Parton's desire to uplift an exhausted world's spirits by sharing the unique "mountain magic" she has always found in and around Dollywood at Christmas...
Dolly Parton's Mountain Magic Christmas follows Parton's desire to uplift an exhausted world's spirits by sharing the unique "mountain magic" she has always found in and around Dollywood at Christmas. Throughout the movie's production numbers and rehearsal chaos, Parton finds herself taking a private journey into her past, guided by the mysterious appearances of her personal Three Wise Mountain Men. When it's time for her big special to air, a renewed and inspired Dolly goes rogue and shows the world that the real magic of Christmas lies in the hearts of the children we all once were, the realization that Christmas is about the people we share it with, and how her faith remains the common thread between Christmases past, present, and future.—NBC Television
编剧:David Rambo
主演:多莉·帕顿 / 汤姆·艾弗瑞特·斯科特 / 安吉尔·帕克 / Mary Lane Haskell / 安娜·盖斯泰尔 / 吉米·法伦 / 威利·纳尔逊 / 比利·雷·赛勒斯 / Jimmie Allen / Zach Williams / 麦莉·赛勒斯 / 拜伦·巴特 / 布兰登·布拉德里 / John Newbery / 罗达·格里菲丝
Follow Dolly's desire to uplift an exhausted world's spirits by sharing the unique mountain magic. Throughout the chaos, Dolly finds herself taking a journey guided by the mysterious appearances of her Three Wise Mountain Men.