The horror thriller revolves around a woman, whose ordinary life takes a sinister turn when she unexpectedly receives a mysterious wooden box. Unaware of the dark force it harbors, she soon discovers ..
The horror thriller revolves around a woman, whose ordinary life takes a sinister turn when she unexpectedly receives a mysterious wooden box. Unaware of the dark force it harbors, she soon discovers the ominous connection between the box and an impending threat to her life. The unfolding narrative intensifies as the box presents her with a chilling ultimatum – procure three specific items or succumb to a lethal fate. With each twist and turn, the woman embarks on a suspenseful journey, racing against time to unravel the secrets behind the malevolent force and navigate the perilous path to survival.
主演:达科塔·范宁 / 玛丽·麦克科马克 / 凯瑟琳·亨特 / 雷切尔·布兰卡德 / 凯伦·克里奇 / 迪文·妮科塔 / 艾米丽·米切尔 / Kristen Pepper / Klea Scott