A workplace comedy centered around a group of dedicated teachers - and an oblivious principal - in a Philadelphia public school where, despite the odds stacked against them, they are determined to help their students succeed in life.
第 4 季 共 10 集
第 1 集 Back to School
The neighboring construction site of a new golf course causes issues at Abbott, forcing the teachers to find creative solutions; an HR representative visits the school; following their kiss, Janine and Gregory's relationship status is revealed.
第 2 集 Ringworm
When it’s revealed that a student in Jacob’s class has ringworm, the faculty must band together to stop it from spreading through the entire school.
第 3 集 Class Pet
Janine gets a budget for class pets, but Melissa is resistant to taking on the added work and responsibility for her room's guinea pig; an IT rep from the school district arrives to set up new computers.
第 4 集 Costume Contest
It’s Halloween at Abbott Elementary! Janine and Gregory proudly show off their couple’s costume, but it fails to translate. Meanwhile, Barbara faces pushback from parents concerned about hygiene and her beloved apple-bobbing tradition.
第 5 集 Dad Fight
Gregory forms a bond with one of his students, but the student’s dad becomes jealous of their relationship and seeks a confrontation. Melissa suffers a fall but avoids receiving medical attention for the injury.
第 6 集 The Deli
When the neighborhood deli is forced to close to make room for a trendy smoothie place, Melissa, Barbara and Jacob team up to fight the gentrification. Meanwhile, the district asks Ava to give a presentation to fellow principals.
第 7 集 Winter Show
Despite a few setbacks, Barbara is determined to make Abbott Elementary’s first-ever holiday show a success. Meanwhile, Jacob’s brother arrives for his visit earlier than planned.
第 8 集 Winter Break
Melissa hosts the Schemmenti family Christmas Eve dinner and goes to great lengths to make sure everything is perfect. Meanwhile, Janine and Gregory get an unexpected guest.
第 9 集 Episode 9
第 10 集 Episode 10