This series revolves around a group of peculiar detectives in a new division created to fight against an increase in atrocious crimes. Osawa Eriko is a beautiful career woman who has just returned from training in the U.S. and is appointed as the boss of this division. But despite her intelligence and capabilities, she can never understand a man's heart, so she remains unable to find a husband. In fact, her assignment in the U.S. was really a demotion after she ruined her career track over a man. So why was she chosen as the boss of the new division? Even though the detectives are talented, they all have some kind of issue or flaw, and they are considered to be the problem children of the police force. In the end, the division's true purpose is just to isolate these problematic detectives.
第 1 季 共 11 集
第 1 集 The Strongest -- Within Certain Reason -- Around 40-ish Female Detective Who Becomes the BOSS of a Team of Peculiars!
第 2 集 I Want to Know... A Crime in the Name of Curiosity
第 3 集 An Enemy of Women Can Never Be Forgiven!!
第 4 集 Sorrow's Revenge Seeker
第 5 集 The Showdown!
第 6 集 An Angel? Or A Demon? The Girl Prodigy's Crime
第 7 集 Woman vs. Woman's Psychological Warfare
第 8 集 Gunshot Grief... A Past That Cannot Be Erased.
第 9 集 A Secret Face That No One Can See...
第 10 集 The BOSS is the Suspect!? Final Case ... The Most Formidable Opponent
第 11 集 The Shocking, Extended, Conclusive Special... The Limits of Betrayal