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連城訣 (1989)

电视 中国香港 粤语 武侠 古装
湘西农家子弟狄云,自幼随师父铁锁横江戚长发和师妹戚芳习武务农。 一天戚长发多年未见的师兄万震山派弟子来请戚长发去作客。三人到了万家。先是逢大盗吕通前来寻仇,狄云拼着受伤打退了吕通,却反而见疑于万家。先是万震山的八个弟子深夜寻衅,打了他一通。第二天他气不过他们的奚.. 查看全部
湘西农家子弟狄云,自幼随师父铁锁横江戚长发和师妹戚芳习武务农。 一天戚长发多年未见的师兄万震山派弟子来请戚长发去作客。三人到了万家。先是逢大盗吕通前来寻仇,狄云拼着受伤打退了吕通,却反而见疑于万家。先是万震山的八个弟子深夜寻衅,打了他一通。第二天他气不过他们的奚落嘲笑,用从一个老乞丐处学来的几招剑法回敬了其中几人。万震山疑心戚长发已学得师门不传之秘连城剑法又教给狄云,遂将戚长发诱入房中击杀,却又伪造现场反诬戚长发击伤了他而逃走,而已意犹未尽,复又设下圈套将见义勇为前往捉贼的狄云裁赃诬为强奸偷盗犯,打入死牢。万震山的儿子万圭假作好人,让戚芳以为他出钱出力想让狄云尽早出狱,其实却是买通官府将狄云轻罪重办。戚芳信以为真,又认定狄云确有其罪,虽然感情仍在,但对狄云也感到伤心和失望,终于嫁给了万圭。 狄云悲愤伤心交加,在狱中自暴自弃。同室的一个疯囚犯又以为他是奸细,对他拳脚相加。但在他呆了三年之后,万念俱灰,上吊自尽时,那疯汉却救活了他,并告诉他自己名叫丁典,因为从戚长发、万震山的师父手上得到了一部连城剑诀,为众多武林人物所追逐,流落江湖,认识了一个叫做凌退思的知府的女儿凌霜华,两人一见倾心。 知府却以女儿为要胁逼他交出连城诀,不久后又将他打入大牢、这几年他已练成了绝顶内功神照功。狄云第一次听说了自己师父是个阴险毒辣、城府极深的人,听说他和自己的两个师伯竟联手杀了师祖,但也只是将信将疑。 丁典要传他神照功。他先是不愿学,后来想到报仇便学了起来,又过两年,他和丁典已是情如兄弟,倒觉外面人心险诈,呆在狱中反而平安。但丁典心系凌霜华,遂在一天晚上双双越狱而出,夜探凌知府家不料凌霜华已死,凌知府竟在女儿的棺上涂了无可就药的金波旬花毒。丁典大恸之下抚棺痛哭,中毒极深。 狄云助丁典击退凌知府的人,逃至一废园,万震山的几个弟子又追踪而来丁典和狄云拼死歼了来敌,丁典嘱他将来把他和凌霜华合葬后即死去。 狄云慌乱中逃到戚芳家,见到戚芳带着与他同样小名“空心菜”的女儿,伤痛欲绝,神智昏迷,格斗中与万圭同时昏过去。醒来已在长江边的一只小船上,便飘流而下。不久在江边一座破庙里碰上西藏血刀门下的一个凶僧宝象,宝象饿急了要吃他,却被他无意中用两只毒老鼠毒死。 他因衣衫已破,便穿上宝象的僧袍,不料在长江边一场鱼贩子的争斗中被误认为是血刀门的小淫僧。在他帮了中原武林南四奇门下铃剑双侠的忙后反为所仇,正要被擒,血刀门的掌门血刀老祖赶来救了他,并掳去水岱之女水笙。血刀老祖也误认为他是自己的徒孙,带了他和水笙一起逃走,水笙的父亲水岱及另外陆、刘、花三奇率领众多好手一路追来。双方到了川藏边界的一座大雪山中,适逢雪崩,都被堵在山里。 经过一场拼斗,血刀老祖杀了陆、刘、水三人,四奇中位居第二的花铁干却临危屈膝,降了血刀老祖。待得血刀老祖发现狄云并非徒孙且暗助敌人,要杀他时,狄云因喉咙被扼,气塞之下神照功反而水到渠成,杀了血刀老祖。之后花铁干凶相毕露,既想杀了狄云和水笙灭口,又要吃几位义兄义弟的尸体。狄云拼死卫护水笙及她父亲的尸体,并为水笙打鹰充饥,终于使水笙对他消除了误会。 第二年春天雪化后,被堵在山外的许多中原高手又入山来。花铁干怕水笙揭露真相,反诬水笙与狄云苟且,使水笙的旧情人汪啸风反情为仇。狄云不顾自身安危挺身而出为水笙的清白辩护,反使人更信其事。在水笙的哀求下,狄云只得只身离去。 他赶回家乡寻找师父,却正好遇上在那儿挖宝的二师伯言达平和大师伯万震山为连城剑谱而火并,万圭中毒,言达平受伤。狄云救出言达平,问明他师门的种种真相,这才知道自己的师父确是个坏人,而这个当年曾扮成老乞丐于他有恩的二师怕也不是好人。他赶去江陵万家,原想杀万氏父子报仇,但经不住戚芳哀求,反而违心地救了万圭。不料万圭父子发现戚芳可疑,竞反而要杀拿解药救他们的戚芳。狄云赶来救了戚芳,出门之后,戚芳借口又回去救了万氏父子,终于为万氏父于所杀。 狄云将连城剑谱的秘密刻写在江陵城墙上,想引出万氏父子报仇,却因此目睹了万震山、言达平及死里逃生的戚长发三人间的火并。他在危急关头救了师父,师父却反而要杀他。等到凌知府、花铁干、汪啸风等入一拥而入抢夺宝藏并因此一个个毒发疯狂时,他最终看穿了世事人心。在将丁典和凌霜华合葬之后,他孤身单骑又回到了川边的那座大雪山里,打算在这永无机心和凶险的地方僻居终生,出乎他的意外,水笙正等在那儿,并说知道他一定会来的。 此书为金庸早期作品,是他为纪念小时候家里一个被人冤枉终生不幸的老长工写的。语言质朴生动,情节紧凑,故事感人,全书充满了一股悲愤之气,读来令人如鲠在喉。虽然在文化底蕴上远不及作者的其它一些长篇巨著,但写世态,写人心,写至情至爱,动人心魄,远远超出了一般武侠小说的表现范畴,甚至亦非“性情”二字所能概括,可说是金庸作品中的奇特之作。



主演:郭晋安 / 曾江 / 黎美娴 / 谢宁 / 陈美琪





邱家雄 Kar-Hung Yau
郭晋安 Roger Kwok
曾江 Kenneth Tsang
黎美娴 Kitty Lai
谢宁 Charlene Tse
陈美琪 Maggie Chan
高雄 Eddy Ko
廖静妮 Jingni Liao
麦天恩 Mak Tin Yan
饰 木道人
戴志伟 Chi Wai Tai
郭锋 Fung Kwok
吴镇宇 Francis Ng
第 1 季 共 20 集

第 1 集 Episode 1
Renowned for his swordsmanship, Mui Lim Sang is sent to fight Lo Tso. Ding Dean greatly admires Sang and wants to become his disciple but is refused by Sang. The followers of Lo Tso deliberately wound a little child with the intention of weakening Sang's strength. It turns out that Sang really promises to save the child. Ding Dean meets Ling Sheung Wah. Deeply attracted to each other, they arrange to meet again later. The daughter of Doctor Cheung, Guk Yau is kidnapped. Dean eventually saves her with the help of Sang's disciples, Chik Cheung Fat, Man Tsun San and Kut Dat Ping. This wins Seng's appreciation of Dean.

第 2 集 Episode 2
Both Sang and Lo Tso are seriously wounded in the duel. Both fallen down the cliff, Dean rescues Seng who in return teaches him his skills and this arouses Fat's envy. Ling TuiSi is secretly working for the Sea Dragon Gang. Si calls a meeting of all swordsman in order to ferret out the secret access to a hidden treasure. There Dean meets Wah again and resolves all past misunderstandings. Mo Chun is ensnared by Sui but sees through him at the last minute. Though seriously wounded by Si, he manages to escape and before dying he tells Sang the secret access as concealed in the "Tang Poems". Fat is instigated by Si to betray Sang and the two join hands to plot against Seng.

第 3 集 Episode 3

第 4 集 Episode 4
Despite being tortured, Dean does not divulge the secret but is wrongly charged with murdering Seng and is taken prisoner. Fat is hiding in the house of Dik Wan who grows up with his daughter Ghik Fang and the two are very fond of each other. San chases after Fat but is beguiled by him and thinks that he is dead while Fat after murdering Wan's father lives in seclusion with Fong and Wan who is still in the dark about the murder. Dean makes great strides in his skills arousing the fear of Si who takes advantage of his love for Wan and makes Dean stay in prison willingly.

第 5 集 Episode 5
For three years, Fat lives in seclusion and spends his time pondering over the secrets concealed in the "Tang Poems" while Wan and Fang are growing fonder of each other day by day. Wan antagonizes a rich young man Ng Hum while stopping him from taking liberties with Fong. Being afraid of revealing their identities, Fat makes Wan apologize to Hum. Fearing that the "Tang Poems" will be seized, Fat hides Lt in a cave. His whereabouts are discovered. Both Ping and San keep watch on Fat. Si promises to let Wah marry Dean on condition that Dean tells him the secret of Lin Shing Kuet and yet Dean does not succumb.

第 6 集 Episode 6
To keep a close watch on Fat, San secretly burns Fat's house and invirtes the three of them to abide in his house. Hum becomes San's disciple in order to get close to Fong. Like Hum, Man Wei is also attracted by Fong and the two join hands to get rid of Wan. Ping seeing Wan being bullied teaches him martial arts but makes Wan promise to keep that secret. On her death bed, Wah's mother urges her to break with Dean. Wah cannot resist but yields to her wish. Dean is sad to find Wah changed after his escape from prison and leaves with a broken heart. On his way, Dean saves Wan from being assassinated by Hum.

第 7 集 Episode 7
Having discovered that Wah is still deeply in love with him, Dean willingly lets himself to be locked up by Si who eventually gains his end. With the skill Ping teaches him, Wan saves himself from being killed but this arouses Fat's suspicion. Fat fears that Wan has learned his arts from Dean and decides to get rid of him. In order to achieve that and make Fang marry Wei, Fat and San cooperates to plot against Wan. San makes false charges against Wan who is later sent to prison by Si.

第 8 集 Episode 8
Being trapped, Wan pleads guilty and is to be executed. Si locks Wan up with Dean in the hope of making use of Wan to ferret out the secrets of Lin Shing Kuet. Fat disguises himself as the gaoler so as to keep a close watch over them. However, instead of becoming friends, Dean treats Wan brutally. Dean is attacked in prison but the attacker is killed. In the fight, Fat is also injured and runs away. In order to win the trust of Fong who is feeling sorry for Wan's imprisonment, Wei makes up crafty plans. In the end, Fang is deceived and gradually forms a more favourable opinion of Wei.

第 9 集 Episode 9
Knowing that Fat is wounded, San forces him to surrender the "Tang Poems" and threaten to kill him. Ping saves Fat from San's hands only to hold him captive and press him to divulge where he hides the "Tang Poems". With Fat gone, Fang no longer wants to stay in San's house and leaves. Being unworldly and naive, Fong suffers a lot in the outside world. Wei finds Fang and asks her to go back to his house. Being impressed, Fang finally promises to marry Wei. Should Fat tell the whereabouts of the "Tang Poems", Ping would have let him go and stop the marriage. However, Fat does not succumb. On the other hand, the news of the marriage leaves Wan heart-broken and he hangs himself.

第 10 集 Episode 10
Dean uses his strength and skill to save the dying Wan. Both being lovelorn, they become close friends. Trusting Wan fully, Dean teaches him his l:kills. Wei and Fong are very happy after their marriage and Fong is soon pregnant making Wei even more delighted. On the other hand, Hum being very disappointed and disillusioned leaves. Knowing that Dean has taught Wan his skills, Si immediately interrogates Wan but Wan does not succumb and keeps his: mouth shut. The followers of Lo ~so attempt to assassinate Dean who is then saved by Wan. While the false news of Wah's death puts the already injured Dean into more critical condition, Wah, not knowing that Dean is still alive, kills herself.

第 11 集 Episode 11
Wan brings the dying Wah to see Dean for the last time and she dies in his arms. Knowing that his injury is too serious and his days are numbered, Dean tells Wan the secrets of Lin Shing Kuet. Then he goes to crack down on the Sea Dragon Gang and take revenge on Si. In the end both of them perish. Wan is being chased after and is seriously wounded. He is later saved by Fong and hides in the house of Wei. Having been discovered, Wan runs for his life and once again Fong secretly lends him a helping hand. In his plight, Wan is rescued by Sui Seng who comes from Da Lei.

第 12 集 Episode 12
Su1-‧brings Wan back to Da Lei. When Wan finds that Wang Siu Fang is wounded while practising his arts, he generously gives: his blood to save him. Sui is deeply grateful to Wan for his generosity and spends much time with him showing him round the country. However, this causes misunderstanding between Sui and Feng. In the meantime' both Wan and Lo Tso make great strides in their skills. The latter is in fact helping To Fan against Da Lei. After learning that Feng has not fully recovered, Lo Tso leads his troops and attacks Da Lei. Sui fights bravely to defend her own country but is wounded by Lo Tso.

第 13 集 Episode 13
Wan helps to cure Sui and later joins hands with the people of Da Lei to drive away Lo Tso who finally retreats but keeps a close watch over Wan. Being deceived by the followers of Lo Tso the people of Da Lei form a very unfavourable opinion of Wan and think that his intention of remaining behind is evil. To prove his innocence, Wan leaves Da Lei but Sui tries to stop him on his way. However, the two meet Lo Tso and in the fight they all fall down the deep valley.

第 14 集 Episode 14
Though fallen down the deep valley, they all keep their life. Wan deliberately tells Lo Tso the wrong way of practising his skills. Lo Tso takes Wan's words seriously and drives himself mad. In the end, Lo Tso is killed by Wan who has gained greater strength in his fight with Lo Tso. Eventually, Wan and Sui are rescued but Fang becomes more and more jealous of the closeness between Wan and Sui. Fang later proposes to Sui in public but is refused by Sui who has grown very fond of Wan. Fang vents his anger on Wan who is beguiled into departing Da Lei. His leaving brings sadness to Sui.

第 15 集 Episode 15
Ping sets Fat free on purpose, he follows him to the place where he hides the "Tang Poems". There they have a fight. Wan happens to pass by and helps Fat to kill Ping. With his glib tongue, Fat gets Wan to teach him his skill. Wan cannot help thinking of Fong, goes to meet her and even brings: her to see Fat. From Fat, Fong learns that Wei is evil-hearted and has done Wan much wrong. However, She still begs Wan to spare Wei. Fat decides to avenge on San and Wei and the, two get poisoned.

第 16 集 Episode 16
Wei's condition gets more critical and Fong worries much about fake him. Disguising himself, Wan brings the fake antidote which Fat has given him to Wei. But before he leaves behind the antidote, he makes Wei admit all the wrong . that he has done. Hearing that, Fong's heart sinks‧ However, the antidote is snatched by Hum who forces Fong to love him. Knowing that, San seizes the antidote and kills Hum. Yet Fong is framed as being disloyal and is taken prisoner. Having applied the fake antidote, Wei's condition gets worse and so does San. Both of them vent their anger on Fong and force her to drink their poisonous blood. Wan and Fat come in time to save her from their hands. Fat kills San while Wei, driven mad, kills his own daughter and then jumps down the cliff to end his life.

第 17 集 Episode 17
Fat is trying to draw Wan and Fang closer to each other hoping that Wan will divulge the hiding place of the treasure. Despite Fong's reluctance to express her love for Wan since she notices that Wan has somebody else on his mind, Fat gains his end and the three of them set off for the treasure hunt. On the way, Fong carelessly falls into a trap and hurts herself. So they for the time being leaves aside the hunt for treasure. On the other hand, Sui is being forced to marry Feng. Though unwillingly, she assents. However, after learning' that Wan is beguiled into leaving Da Lei, she sets off to look for him. On her way, she is kidnapped by a group of gangsters who, threatening to kill her, forces Wan to tell them where the treasure is hidden.

第 18 集 Episode 18
Wan is forced to lead the gangsters to the hiding place. However, he manages to save Sui on the way and the two of them escape. Wan reveal his love for Sui who becomes very delighted. Upon their return home, Fong is sad to see them so close to each other. Fat suddenly disappears. They think that Fat may have got hold of the Buddha statue and is on his way to find the antidote since he gets poisoned. So they also set off to find him so as to give him a hand. On their way, Fang cannot bear to see Wan and Sui being so intimate. She leaves them and goes on her own. Worrying about her safety, Wan goes to find her. On his way he finds Fat and Fang fighting with Sui's father. He stops the fight. In the end, Fat gets the antidote and the Buddha statue is returned to Fang. However, Fat wants to get back the statue and he makes false charges against Wan, instigating the mass to fight Wan.

第 19 集 Episode 19
Wan defeats the mass and saves Sui's father. He follows Fat and gets back the Buddha statue. He gives it to Fong and asks her to ask her to bring the statue to Sui's father who is killed by Feng. Feng frames Fong as the murderer. Sui believes it to be so and tries to kill Fong who is then saved by Wan. They are hiding in the deep valley. Sui feels deeply hurt when she sees Wan risking his life to save Fong. Wan later finds out the truth and persuades Sui into working with him to seek for the real murderer.

第 20 集 Episode 20
Feng is beguiled by Wan into admitting himself to be the real murderer. He escapes and seeks help from Lo Moi. Lo Moi has a fight with Wan and the two are wounded. Sui ascends the throne and asks Wan to stay in Da Lei until he recovers while she herself is waiting to avenge on Feng. Feng kills Lo Moi in order to gain his strength but is still defeated by Wan. Feng tries to die with Sui but she is saved by Fong who is then seriously wounded by Feng. Fong's days are numbered but Wan tries his best to make her live longer. Sui feels greatly indebted to Fong and decides to withdraw from the tangle. After finding out that Fat is the person who kills his father, Wan tries to avenge on Fat. ]n the fight, Fong is killed while saving Wan. This drives Fat mad and eventually he dies also. After burying Fong, Wan lives in seclusion with Sui in the deep valley.
Lin Shing Kuet

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