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忍風戦隊ハリケンジャー (2002)

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在忍之谷附近的一个山洞,发现不明物体似向某个地方传达讯息......另一 边在疾风流忍术学校忍风馆,馆长日向无限斋为应付五百年一次的忍术比试,开始教导众学员。突然间发生地震,结界被破坏,宇宙忍群邪神者出现并将所有疾风流学员杀光。幸好无限斋的女儿胧把残存的三名学员鹰介、七海及吼太救出,并任命他们成为传说中的继承人Hurricanger (忍风战队) 。 .. 查看全部
在忍之谷附近的一个山洞,发现不明物体似向某个地方传达讯息......另一 边在疾风流忍术学校忍风馆,馆长日向无限斋为应付五百年一次的忍术比试,开始教导众学员。突然间发生地震,结界被破坏,宇宙忍群邪神者出现并将所有疾风流学员杀光。幸好无限斋的女儿胧把残存的三名学员鹰介、七海及吼太救出,并任命他们成为传说中的继承人Hurricanger (忍风战队) 。 邪神者为了得到“那个”,忍风战队便阻止他们。在战斗期间出现了两名神秘战士,他们自称为轰雷者,原来是另一 派迅雷流生还的霞兄弟,但是他们憎恨疾风流并以他们为敌。为了达到邪神者同一目的,于是不断刁难忍风战士。后来他们因被利用而心心不忿,和得到鹰介三人体谅,最终两大流派一起联手对 付邪神者,并成功消灭其中一名宇宙忍者。 五位忍者战士受了中忍一击,生命危在旦夕,接近死亡边缘之际,绿之光弹手里剑者及时出现救活他们, 因为他的出现,不知道其身份只靠变装执行任务,他的主人就是宇宙统一忍者流的始祖觉罗。所有宇宙忍者被击败, 其后“那个”迫近,鹰介及忍者们全力去阻止地球变成黑暗世界。 经历战事过后,这班年青忍者明显成长了,忍术学校的毕业典礼顺利完成。

导演:渡边胜也 / 诸田敏 / 小中肇 / 桥本一 / 竹本升 / 大井利夫 / 舞原贤三 / 中泽祥次郎

编剧:宫下隼一 / 酒井直行 / 前川淳 / 荒川稔久 / 吉田伸

主演:盐谷瞬 / 长泽奈央 / 山本康平 / 白川裕二郎 / 姜畅雄 / 西田健 / 高田圣子 / 三轮瞳 / 桂亚沙美 / 松野太纪





In one of the top ninja schools, three students aren't exactly fitting in. When they skip out a class meeting, space alien ninjas known as the Jakanja infiltrate the school and capture the entire school. Mugensai, their teacher, turns himself into a hamster to run away from the attack. The trio was taken to a secret base by Oboro, Mugensai's daughter and given Hurricane Gyros, devices to become the legendary Hurricanger to fight the threat. As the battles endure two students from a rival school decide to present themselves to the Hurricanger. It happens that the Goraijer has discord with them. If the Goraijer defeat the greatest ninjas, the Hayate Way ninjas, they will become the greatest. The Hurricanger don't understand this, they just want to get along against a common enemy. The Goraijer team up with the Jakanja because they believe they have a common enemy in the Hurricanger. The Goraijer later betray the Jakanja by leaving them and some of them seek vengeance in them. The Hurricanger and Goraijer sort of team up but don't really get along. The Goraijer are very stubborn and think if they are very 'buddy' with the Hurricanger, they are letting go their teachings and pride. After all they go through at the end, they team up and defeat the Jakanja. In this series, there is robot ninjas and organic monsters that our heroes face. The robots are destroyed by the main weapon then the Copy Giant is sent to duplicate the image of the fallen machine. When an organic monster is destroyed, it is rebuilt by scroll sent down by Windenu's Bazooka. Later a mask is swinged out to grow the organic ones. Note: The Goriajer finally are credited in the opening credits in Episode 24. Starting with episode 35, they added teasers to the show, before the opening credits. A teaser is a small scene of the episode lasting two minutes and sometimes with catch up material. The previews are shown after one commercial instead of instantly after the credits like before. Also, clips of the next episode of even shown during the mention of sponsors (like Bandai). Before they only used stock footage. Clips of the next episode is also shown with the mention of the Tv-Asahi website instead of the Hurricangers with their umbrellas like before.
渡边胜也 Katsuya Watanabe
诸田敏 Satoshi Morota
桥本一 Hajime Hashimoto
竹本升 Noboru Takemoto
中泽祥次郎 Shôjirô Nakazawa
盐谷瞬 Shun Shioya
长泽奈央 Nao Nagasawa
饰 野乃七海
姜畅雄 Nobuo Kyô
西田健 Ken Nishida
三轮瞳 Hitomi Miwa
桂亚沙美 Asami Katsura
松野太纪 Taiki Matsuno
第 1 季 共 51 集

第 1 集 Scroll 1: Wind and Ninjas
When an squadron of alien ninja come to Earth to begin searching for a mysterious power, three unconventional ninja students find themselves becoming the Hurricaneger after their classmates are killed by the Space Ninja Group Jakanja.

第 2 集 Scroll 2: The Giant and Gadgets
Yousuke finds himself the only one concerned about his duty as a Hurricaneger when he discovers teammates Nanami and Kouta more serious about their cover jobs than their duty fighting the Jakanja invaders.

第 3 集 Scroll 3: An Impostor and 60 Seconds
Nanami decides to audition for a better singing job in hopes of using it to boost up the Hurricaneger's fame, leading to Chuuzubo's latest ninja replacing her with a copy.

第 4 集 Scroll 4: The Tunnel and Siblings
Kouta's cautionary planning nature is put to the test when he discovers a surprising sudden move made by his sister.

第 5 集 Scroll 5: The Master and The Bath
Yousuke's frustration with Sensei Hinata boils over when the team is asked to protect a bathhouse without learning why.

第 6 集 Scroll 6: Scissors and Girl Ninjas
Nanami returns to a training site to finish a task she failed in the past, where she's confronted by Furabiijo and Wendinu aiming to take her down; as the male Hurricaneger deal with a ninja severing bonds.

第 7 集 Scroll 7: Thunder and Ninjas
The Jakanja approach a powerful ninja duo to assist them in dealing with the Hurricaneger as the Hayate ninja fight a dimension-controlling ninja sent by Chuuzubo.

第 8 集 Scroll 8: Hayate and Ikazuchi (Wind and Thunder)
The Hurricaneger try to figure out who the Gouraiger are and what they're after as they fight a Chuunin absorbing the water of Earth.

第 9 集 Scroll 9: The Thunder Brothers and The Hourglass
As the Gouraigers are asked to help Chuuzubo's latest Chuunin, Yousuke approaches the duo in hopes of trying to get them away from the Jakanja.

第 10 集 Scroll 10: The Thunder God and The Destroyed Valley
The Hurricaneger return to the valley of the Ikazuchi ninja base in order to stop the Gouraiger from activating a powerful weapon in their arsenal.

第 11 集 Scroll 11: The Dream Eater and Starting Anew
With the Hurricaneger still unconscious from their defeat, they must enter into a dream world to save children being captured by a Jakanja Chuunin dooming them with good dreams.

第 12 集 Scroll 12: A Steel Frame and Father & Daughter
Oboro forces her hamster father to investigate the actions of a seemingly easy Chuunin so she can relax, leading to him becoming the pet of a little girl.

第 13 集 Scroll 13: Whiskers and The Engagement Ring
Yousuke and Nanami try to get back an engagement ring they lost while looking after a bakery, only to confront an army of a Jakanja Chuunin brainwashed by mustaches!

第 14 集 Scroll 14: The Crybaby and Candies
Chuuzubo summons his partner Chuunin to Earth, who turns Yousuke and others into children in hopes of using this weakness to crush the planet.

第 15 集 Scroll 15: Megatagame and Contest
The Gouraiger and Sargain search for a mysterious mineral associated with the Ikazuchi ninja, with the Hurricaneger fighting to prevent it from falling into their hands.

第 16 集 Scroll 16: The Mist and The Prophecy Device
The Gouraiger and Jakanja try to discover the means behind "that" using a special Ikazuchi prediction device as the Hurricaneger are distracted by a Chuunin summoned by Chuuzubo.

第 17 集 Scroll 17: The Darkness and Battle Island
Teleported to a strange island, the Hurricaneger must defend themselves against both the Gouraiger and Chuuzubo, even as Ikkou realizes the horrifying truth regarding the path to "that".

第 18 集 Scroll 18: A Father and The Bonds of Brothers
With Ikkou enraged by the power of the island, Isshuu must come to grips with the dark past of the Kasumi family in order for he and his brother to find a new path forwards.

第 19 集 Scroll 19: The Big Box and the Wind-Thunder Giant
As the Hurricaneger try to find a way to work together with their new Gouraiger allies, Chuuzubu targets the Ikazuchi ninja in order to take revenge for what they've done to him.

第 20 集 Scroll 20: The Punch and The Rival
An unexpected encounter with Ikkou leads to Yousuke trying to figure out a way to work together with KabutoRaiger in dealing with a Chuunin that can release multiple elemental attacks.

第 21 集 Scroll 21: Masks and Riddles
The Gouraiger become attacked by a now-matured Manmaruba as an act of revenge; as the bizarre Sixth Spear makes himself known to both the Jakanja and Hurricaneger.

第 22 集 Scroll 22: Wings and Ninjas
As the Hurricaneger and Gouraiger show problems with Satarakura and his Mask Corp Chuunin, they find themselves suddenly joined by a mysterious green ninja sent to help them!

第 23 集 Scroll 23: Cologne and the Great Detective
The Hurricaneger try to figure out who Shurikenger is, made all the more complicated by an incompetent detective trying to help them out.

第 24 集 Scroll 24: The Taiko Drum and Lightning
Baring with his own difficulties, Ikkou tries to determine how the Gouraiger best help the Hurricaneger even as a Mechanic Corp Chuunin starts using their powers against them.

第 25 集 Scroll 25: Ghosts and Schoolgirl
A tiny Mask Corp Chuunin's plans to raise dead Chuunin becomes further complicated when he also revives the spirit of Kouta's dead grandmother!

第 26 集 Scroll 26: The Bow & Arrow and Sea Bathing
Isshu becomes affected by a Chuunin's love-controlling abilities, making him fight with an idol over winning Nanami's heart.

第 27 集 Scroll 27: Skewers and Zero Gravity
Yousuke encounters a former Hayate Air ninja dropout who thinks he should also quit the academy and join his barbecue restaurant's staff.

第 28 集 Scroll 28: The Hurrier and The Counterattack
The Hurricaneger have a hard time dealing with Sargain's Megatagame upgrade; while Ikkou takes desperate actions in order to cure himself of Manmaruba's malady.

第 29 集 Scroll 29: Lingering Summer Heat and The Stamp
Kouta is appointed the new leader of the Hurricaneger, leading to Yousuke fighting him for the position and Shurikenger trying to figure how to resolve the matter.

第 30 集 Scroll 30: Idols and Friendship
After creating a ninja who easily crushes the Hurricaneger, Furabiijo is shockingly thrown out of the Jakanja, leading to an improbable path of becoming an idol alongside Nanami!

第 31 集 Scroll 31: Meteors and The Three Wolves
Fearful of his final fate from Manmaruba's scorpion, Ikkou tries to prepare Yousuke to face his Jakanja rival without being around; all as Saturnakura summons some pets to hasten Earth's destruction

第 32 集 Scroll 32: The Grim Reaper and the Final Secret Art
With Ikkou reaching the final stages before the scorpion kills him, Yousuke decides to take a dangerous action in order to save his partner from Manmaruba's curse...

第 33 集 Scroll 33: The Mammoth and The Six Ninja
As the combined Fangirus hastens Earth's destruction and the release of the power Tau Zant desires, Shurikenger forces the Hurricaneger and Gouraiger to place trust in him to help him release a secret weapon.

第 34 集 Scroll 34: The Mushroom and 100 Points
Wendinu descends to Earth to utilize a special plan of her own to trick young students into becoming her brainwashed servants against the allied ninja front.

第 35 集 Scroll 35: The Sparkle and The Shamisen
The Hurricaneger and Gouraiger turn against Shurikenger's harsh training methods in learning how to use the Ninjamisen, forcing him to find a different approach in helping them learn it's means.

第 36 集 Scroll 36: Rings and Revenge
The clone of a defeated foe returns to take his ultimate revenge on the Gouraiger as another prophecy approaches Earth leading to new complications.

第 37 集 Scroll 37: The Third Spear and The Great Escape
With the Gouraiger captured by the Manmaruba monster, the Hurricaneger must figure out a way to save their allies as Shurikenger and Oboro prepare their ultimate weapon for defeating it.

第 38 集 Scroll 38: The Demon Sword and Balloons
Still desiring to revive the Ikazuchi School, Isshuu gains his father's infamous sword, leading to a horrifying revelation about its means and measures.

第 39 集 Scroll 39: The Seventh Spear and the The Mysterious Stone
The Hurricaneger try to figure out the mystery behind Shurikenger and his true allegiance even as Jakanja's final spear arrives on Earth with a horrifying new weapon.

第 40 集 Scroll 40: The Decoy and Ninja Law
As the Earth ninja become trapped in an unwinnable scenario, Shurikenger becomes torn between his allegiances and must choose between them or his master in who to work alongside.

第 41 集 Scroll 41: The Medal and Comedians
Kouta must deal with the return of his sister to Japan as she slowly discovers the truth of her brother alongside Saturnakura's comedic Chuunin partner!

第 42 集 Scroll 42: Armor and The Raging Arrow
With the Raging Arrow in their hands, Sargain begins crucial research to be able to use it as Shurikenger weighs whether to finally reveal his master Gozen to the ninja of Earth.

第 43 集 Scroll 43: Super Fusion and The Big Clash
When Sargain's ultimate weapon Gaingain crushes the Earth ninja, they must find a way to hold off the Jakanja until crucial repairs are completed that could turn the battle around.

第 44 集 Scroll 44: Gozen and The Misfortune Fan Beast
With the Raging Arrow medal in hand, the Hurricaneger attempt to get it to Gozen for protection, but are hindered by one Jakanja attack after another.

第 45 集 Scroll 45: The Refuge and Spring Cleaning
The Hurricaneger visit Lady Gozen for the New Year, unknowingly being pursued by Sandaaru as he tries to find out more about the Space Union's mysterious leader.

第 46 集 Scroll 46: The New Year's Meal and The Three Giants
Nanami worries about whether Lady Gozen appreciates the New Years meal she personally made even while fighting three Karakuri left by Sargain for the remaining Jakanja Spears.

第 47 集 Scroll 47: The Seal and Galactic Unification
When faced with another of Sandaaru's unstoppable Fan Beasts, the Earth ninja must learn more about Lady Gozen in order to understand their mission in protecting her.

第 48 集 Scroll 48: The Trap and Eternal Life
After discovering the means to gain the power, Sandaaru sets a multi-stage trap to force the ninja of Earth into a position where Lady Gozen may have no choice but to give up her ultimate power...

第 49 集 Scroll 49: The Mission and The Galactic Ninja
With Lady Gozen dead, Shurikenger prepares the Hurricaneger and Gouraiger for their final assault on the Jakanja even as Tau Zant uses Satarakura to prepare the means to activate "that"...

第 50 集 Scroll 50: Darkness and A New World
The ninja of Earth begin their final assault on the Jakanja even as Tau Zant prepares to use the special medals; but alliances and teamwork on both sides are put to the test as the critical moment arrives...

第 51 集 Final Scroll: Wind, Water, and Earth
With the fate of the entire universe in the balance, the Hurricaneger must stop the means of it's destruction and the true mastermind controlling the Jakanja; but may need some teamwork to bring the ninja war to an end.
Stealth Wind Task Force Hurricanger / Super Ninja Task Force Hurricanger

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