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白宫风云 第七季

The West Wing (2005)

电视 美国 英语 / 美国手语 剧情
连续四年荣获艾美奖最佳影集的【白宫风云】,在今年五月于美国NBC电视台光荣播出最后一集后,执政届满八年的巴特勒政府告别全世界的观众,留下一幅近乎完美的执政蓝图,给真实世界的执政者去追求。令人惋惜的是,在【白宫风云】即将谢幕之际,饰演副总统参选人里奥马加瑞的资深演员约翰史宾塞却在去年12月16日因心脏病辞世,不仅让影迷与剧组感到哀伤不已,同时编剧群也必须大伤脑筋地修改未来情节的走向,这个意外让【白宫.. 查看全部
连续四年荣获艾美奖最佳影集的【白宫风云】,在今年五月于美国NBC电视台光荣播出最后一集后,执政届满八年的巴特勒政府告别全世界的观众,留下一幅近乎完美的执政蓝图,给真实世界的执政者去追求。令人惋惜的是,在【白宫风云】即将谢幕之际,饰演副总统参选人里奥马加瑞的资深演员约翰史宾塞却在去年12月16日因心脏病辞世,不仅让影迷与剧组感到哀伤不已,同时编剧群也必须大伤脑筋地修改未来情节的走向,这个意外让【白宫风云】的落幕更凭添几许哀愁。 【白宫风云】第六季结束时,德州众议员麦修山多斯(吉米史密兹饰)获得民主党的提名角逐下一任的美国总统,而在乔西赖曼的运作下,前白宫幕僚长里奥成为山多斯的副总统候选人;而共和党则有资深的加州参议员阿诺文尼克(艾伦爱尔达饰)参选。这场竞选不只是比体力、耐力,还有哪个阵营的「牛肉」能够获得选民的青睐?当然选战不只是比政见,还有各种可能被揭发的丑闻,候选人必须通过选民与媒体的重重检验。在此同时,国际社会的情势则让这场选战变得更加诡谲多变……。原本默默无名的山多斯在民调上一路落后,但是其以健保与教育改革的温情诉求,让他的支持度渐渐有了起色。但不料竞选期间发生一位拉丁裔警察意外射杀黑人小孩的新闻,这是否会让身为拉丁裔的山多斯输掉黑人选民的选票?而山多斯长久以来对「限制堕胎」的政见,引起共和党保守阵营的猛攻。此外,山多斯的随从居然在费城机场的候机楼弄丢了他的公文包,而且还被文尼克阵营的竞选总干事拾获,文尼克阵营会揭发出什么骇人的秘密?! 对文尼克来说,这场选战也打的并不轻松,投票前数日,加州圣安德里欧核电厂居然爆发了核灾,此核电厂当年是在文尼克极力游说下才能顺利兴建。如今爆发事故让他的民调数字急速下滑,他该如何挽回颓势呢?除了激烈的选战之外,白宫西厢的「灾难」可是从未停过。上季的结尾,西厢惊爆泄密案,巴特勒总统下令调查,而幕僚长茜洁居然被法律顾问视为最有可能的泄密者?! 这桩泄密案又会对选战造成多大的冲击?! 【白宫风云】最终曲在紧凑的选战氛围下揭开序幕,选战成为这一季的主轴,剧中高明的政治运筹和选战艺术,最适合经历一连串政治风暴的台湾观众从中学习,也是见证美国两百年来的民主政治的最好机会。而编剧群为了让影集有更多的火花,还特别安排在11月6日晚间以现场直播的方式呈现山多斯与文尼克的辩论会,两位演员要如何「演」出如真正大选的辩论气势,成为真正的美国总统呢?!《总统候选人辩论》这集势必让观众大呼过瘾。为了让剧情更丰富复杂,观众还可看到担任山多斯竞选总干事的乔西与昔日的助理唐娜产生爱的火花,而为辞世的里奥所举办的国葬,更是备极哀荣。至于巴特勒总统的多重硬化症是否能够撑完任期? 幕僚人员又该何去何从?谁又会是下一任的美国总统?

导演:Chris Misiano


主演:阿伦·阿尔达 / 克里斯汀·肯诺恩斯 / 吉米·斯密茨 / 马丁·辛 / 杜勒·希尔 / 艾莉森·珍妮 / 约书亚·马林纳 / 玛丽·麦克科马克 / 简·默勒尼 / 理查德·希夫 / 约翰·斯宾塞 / 布莱德利·惠特福德





Inside the lives of staffers in the West Wing of the White House.
马克思·梅尔 Max Mayer
米密·莱德 Mimi Leder
马蒂亚·卡瑞尔 Matia Karrell
克里斯托弗·米西亚诺 Christopher Misiano
保罗·麦克兰尼 Paul McCrane
莱丝莉·琳卡·格拉特 Lesli Linka Glatter
艾利克斯·格雷夫斯 Alex Graves
尼尔森·麦科米克 Nelson McCormick
安德鲁·伯恩斯坦 Andrew Bernstein
史蒂夫·希尔 Steve Shill
劳拉·伊内斯 Laura Innes
阿伦·阿尔达 Alan Alda
第 7 季 共 22 集

第 1 集 The Ticket
As everyone but Josh causes Santos to question his choice of Leo as his running mate, Bartlet's investigation into the dangerous press leak continues. Also C.J. gets interviewed by Babish and Donna approaches Josh for a job.

第 2 集 The Mommy Problem
Santos and Vinick have to deal with press fallout when it looks like the Bartlet White House is not going to continue the investigation into the press leaks.

第 3 集 Message of the Week
It's three weeks into the presidential campaign and Vinick meets with Frost out on the trail. Santos pulls a stunt which leads to higher approval ratings and jolts the Vinick camp. Vinick and Santos try to kick each other politically while they focus on their messages of the week.

第 4 集 Mr. Frost
Margaret is interrogated at a hearing held by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence; Santos deflects religious questions onto Vinick; Someone gives C.J. intelligence information; a Palestinian leader is assassinated and Bartlet wants to attend the funeral despite security concerns. Also, we learn Margaret's last name.

第 5 集 Here Today
The White House is trying to cope with the revelation of the identity of the leaker and Babish's questioning of Toby convinces him that he must get his lawyer. Lou persuades Josh to get Santos to clean house with his campaign staff. Kate finally reaches Charles Frost and confronts him about what he told to C.J. and a few other things about his personality in general. The Bartlets hear Ellie's heapful of "good" and "bad" news.

第 6 集 The Al Smith Dinner
Donna is back and she's working for the Santos/McGarry campaign, but just not for Josh. An attack ad on Santos by a pro-life group puts Vinick in a corner when Santos demands Vinick renounce it but Vinick knows that if he does it will offend the G.O.P. Le

第 7 集 The Debate
Santos and Vinick battle it out in primetime live. Forrest Saywer the moderator poses questions and attempts to ensure that the candidates remain within bounds. Ellen DeGeneres guest hosts the show on behalf of American Express and their new credit card. This is the live feed for the East Coast, as opposed to the West Coast feed which was used for the syndication and dvd releases.

第 8 集 Undecideds
Lou and Santos run into trouble on the road when they try to pick up a family's vote; their child was shot by a Latino police officer. Also, CJ must manage a crisis between China and Kazakhstan.

第 9 集 The Wedding
Santos is working on campaign strategy, Ellie's getting married, Abbey is welcoming guests, Bartlet's making jokes, China and Kazahkstan are about to go to war, Carol makes an appearance, and Josh may get fired.

第 10 集 Running Mates
All eyes are looking forward to the Leo McGarry/Ray Sullivan Vice Presidential debate. Meawhile, Santos is trying not to catch his children's cold and he visits his home in Texas and continues to campaign. Jorge Santos, the Congressman's brother, may cause some problems at a gathering.

第 11 集 Internal Displacement
The Westins visit Washington and Doug is keeping a secret from Liz that many other senior staffers already know about. C.J. tries to make a deal with the French to try to handle a problem in the Sudan. Gail is in trouble. Josh asks Will for a little help with the campaign. C.J. and Danny go out to dinner and talk like good old friends and C.J. likens men to salmon while dealing with a waitress who is not all that found of her.

第 12 集 Duck and Cover
Bartlet must deal with the possiblity of a nuclear explosion in California, Kate is keeping a careful watch on the election in Kazakhstan and China's response, Will is acting as the government's voice this week, and Josh is trying to keep his political version of Tourette's in check.

第 13 集 The Cold
After the near-nuclear disaster at the power plant the polls show surprising, or maybe not so surprising, results for both candidates. The Vinick camp gears up for backlash while the Santos camp hopes for cause to celebrate. Meanwhile Bartlet is still trying to keep the situation in Central Asia under control. Relationships in the Santos campaign, the Vinick campaign, and the West Wing all undergo changes and Vinick and Bartlet attempt to deal with different versions of the cold.

第 14 集 Two Weeks Out
There are only two weeks left before Election Day and both candidates must make difficult choices at a time when they are both extremely tired. Vinick meets a famous athlete who greets him with a welcome that sings possible campaign trouble. Santos doesn't have such trouble with the athlete. Both candidates are campaigning in California with the hopes of stealing the election from the other guy in the hopes of thereby winning the election. Santos' briefcase falls into the hands of the Vinick campaign.

第 15 集 Welcome to Wherever You Are
The Santos campaign meets up with Rock the Vote and lots of musicians are around for a star-studded episode. Helen gives a lecture to MANA (a National Latina Organization, formerly Mexican American National Association) but her heritage doesn't help her when trying to deliver part of the Santos campaign message. Toby is being pressured by the Attorney General, Blake, to reveal his source and it's affecting his relationship with his kids. He tries a little psychological warfare of his own to get Blake to back down. Toby is also giving Josh campaign advice which includes plans to increase courtship of the Latino vote. Elsewhere on the campaign trail, it's Halloween and Toby's kids and Santos' kids are dressing up for the occasion.

第 16 集 Election Day (1)
Election Day finally arrives, and between analyzing exit polls, and mulling over news reports, a few Santos staff members discover the joys of campaign romance. Meanwhile, C.J. ponders life after the White House; and Annabeth makes a tragic discovery.

第 17 集 Election Day (2)
Abbey is in New Hamphire with Liz Bartlet-Westin and they are awaiting the results of Doug Westin's campaign for a seat in Congress. Members of both the Santos campaign and the Vinick campaign must decide how to handle a tragedy, as the voters around the country continue to cast their votes for the next President of the United States.

第 18 集 Requiem
Former series regulars, including Marlee Matlin, Mary-Louise Parker, Tim Matheson, Anna Deavere Smith and Gary Cole, make guest appearances as Bartlet, Santos and their staff members attend a funeral for one of their own. Also, Josh cautions Santos about getting involved in the vote for Speaker of the House.

第 19 集 Transition
Former cast member Rob Lowe returns as a senior political official in this episode, which finds Bartlet and his staff making the transition as easy as possible for the president-elect, who discovers some unpleasant realities about his new job. Meanwhile, a stressed-out Josh realizes that he may need to take some time off after he reaches his breaking point.

第 20 集 The Last Hurrah
While Santos is busy trying to select a new vice president, his wife finds her new responsibilities staggering. Meanwhile, Vinick ponders his next move.

第 21 集 Institutional Memory
C.J. and Will both face uncertain futures as Bartlet and his staffers prepare to leave the White House to make way for the Santos administration.

第 22 集 Tomorrow
After seven seasons of the Award-winning drama series, the Bartlet Administration prepares to leave the White House and The West Wing. While Santos and his winning camp are nervously gearing up for the presidential inauguration, current President Bartlet (Martin Sheen), CJ (Allison Janney) and the others fondly look back as they prepare to leave the White House forever.
英语 / 美国手语
白宫群英 第七季

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