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星球大战:克隆人战争 第二季

Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2009)

电视 美国 英语 剧情 动作 科幻 动画 战争
10月2日星期五,美国东部/太平洋时间晚8点,将在卡通频道进行《星球大战:克隆人战争——赏金猎人的崛起》的首播,连续播出《Holocron Heist》和《Cargo of Doom》,在这不容错过的两集中,由冷酷无情的凯德·贝恩率领,赏金猎人和残忍的雇佣军抢尽了这部系列剧的风头。这是次特殊的,一小时长度的《克隆人战争》大事件!(译注:含广告时间) .. 查看全部
10月2日星期五,美国东部/太平洋时间晚8点,将在卡通频道进行《星球大战:克隆人战争——赏金猎人的崛起》的首播,连续播出《Holocron Heist》和《Cargo of Doom》,在这不容错过的两集中,由冷酷无情的凯德·贝恩率领,赏金猎人和残忍的雇佣军抢尽了这部系列剧的风头。这是次特殊的,一小时长度的《克隆人战争》大事件!(译注:含广告时间) 贝恩在第一季震撼性的结尾初登场,此次复出将造成更大的破坏和伤亡——他带来自己精锐的武器装备,要在共和国的心脏施加压力。他受雇要潜入绝地圣殿,盗取一台珍贵的全息记录仪——一种古老的记忆存储设备——贝恩不会让任何人挡了自己的道。当阿索卡被分配去绝地档案馆当守卫,作为对她不听从命令的惩罚时,这个表面看来无聊的职责将她直接置于贝恩通向目标的道路上。 “如果你看了上一季的最后一集,你就会知道,凯德是不会在乎入虎穴一游的。他勇敢而毫无畏惧,而这的确给绝地带来了极大的麻烦。”《星球大战:克隆人战争》的总监戴夫·菲洛尼说,“这几集的确让人回忆起《星球大战》的冒险精神,而这正是我所一直热爱的部分。外面正进行着一场大战,而冲突的焦点却要个人和私人得多。当你把某个象凯德这样的人扔进这场混乱里,赌注就上升了。这令剧情更加紧张,也更富娱乐性。” 贝恩这个角色允许《克隆人战争》的全体职员重温他们所热爱的原版电影,可以回溯到乔治·卢卡斯的原版《星战》的贝恩的概念来源,让这些成为可能。 “[凯德·贝恩]这个概念确实可以一直回溯到第一部电影,它从各种类型电影中汲取了许多灵感,包括西部片。”《星球大战:克隆人战争》的创造者兼监制卢卡斯说,“当需要为这个系列引入一个残忍的赏金猎人形象的角色时,他很自然地就契合上了。他是个一流枪手——他神秘,又无情。从一开始它就是《星战》的一个主题部分。” 无情的赏金猎人凯德·贝恩在《Holocron Heist》中,沉思着自己的下一步恶毒行动,这是《星球大战:克隆人战争》的全新一集,将于10月2日星期五东部/太平洋时间晚8点在卡通频道首播。 追随由原三部曲确立起来的经典《星战》轨迹,《星球大战:克隆人战争》第二季将深化冲突本身的故事,探索前所未见的战争面貌。就像《帝国反击战》能让《新希望》确立的经典原型在深度和复杂性上得到强化那样,《赏金猎人的崛起》层层剥笋,揭示出在该系列剧第一季里只是一带而过的复杂性与强度。凯德·贝恩和他的赏金猎人骨干将要让行动升级……,而卢卡斯影业动画制片公司的艺术家们很乐意鼎力相助!

导演:George Lucas

编剧:保罗·迪尼 / 本·埃德伦德 / 卡尔·埃尔斯沃斯 / 戴夫·菲洛尼 / 亨利·吉尔罗伊 / Drew Z. Greenberg / Melinda Hsu Taylor / 安德鲁·克雷斯伯格 / Brian Larsen / Eoghan Mahony / Steven Melching / Wendy Meracle / 道格拉斯·佩特瑞 / 克雷格·提特利

主演:马特·兰特尔 / 艾什莉·埃克斯坦 / 詹姆斯·阿诺德·泰勒 / 汤姆·凯恩 / 迪·布拉雷·贝克尔 / 马修·伍德 / 安东尼·丹尼尔斯 / 凯萨琳·塔柏 / 伊安·艾伯克龙比 / 特伦斯·卡森 / 科里·伯顿 / 吉姆·卡明斯





Jedi Knights lead the Grand Army of the Republic against the droid army of the Separatists.
安琪莉可·佩林 Angelique Perrin
戴夫·菲洛尼 Dave Filoni
乔治·卢卡斯 George Lucas
第 2 季 共 22 集

第 1 集 Holocron Heist
Cad Bane has been hired by Darth Sidious to steal a Jedi holocron. The holocrons -- data storage systems that can only be opened through the Force -- are protected within a vault inside the Jedi Temple. Recruiting a changeling posing as a Jedi in his plot, Bane infiltrates the building's security systems and leads Anakin, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka on a chase.

第 2 集 Cargo of Doom
Anakin and Ahsoka travel to the planet Devaron in pursuit of Cad Bane, who has stolen a Jedi holocron. Bane has captured Jedi Master Bolla Ropal, keeper of the Kyber crystal, which will reveal data on every known Force-sensitive child in the galaxy when combined with the holocron. Failing to force Ropal to open the holocron, Bane needs another Jedi. Capturing Ahsoka, the bounty hunter forces Anakin to open the holocron to save his Padawan. The holocron's secrets revealed, Bane attempts an escape, but appears to be killed by a clone. Anakin, however, still senses Bane's presence in the Force...

第 3 集 Children of the Force
Cad Bane has stolen a Jedi holocron which holds the secret locations of the galaxy's Force-sensitive children. Bane is tasked by Darth Sidious to kidnap several of the children to train as Sith spies. On one such kidnapping attempt, Bane is captured by Anakin and Ahsoka and brought before Obi-Wan and Mace Windu to have his mind probed. Unable to resist the combined Force powers of the Jedi, Bane agrees to lead Kenobi and Windu to his hidden base while Anakin and Ahsoka venture to Mustafar to save the stolen children from Darth Sidious' evil plot.

第 4 集 Senate Spy
The Jedi Council suspects that Senator Rush Clovis, an InterGalactic Banking Clan delegate and former colleague of Padmé Amidala, may be working for the Separatists. Against Anakin's wishes, the Council asks Padmé if she would accompany Rush to Cato Neimoidia to uncover any clues regarding the Senator's true allegiances. Padmé agrees, feeling that her past relationship with the Senator -- which for a time had been romantic until she ended it -- might give her an advantage in the investigation. Fending off Anakin's jealousy, as well as an attempt on her life by Neimoidian Lott Dod, Padmé successfully reveals Clovis to be conspiring with the Separatists to build a military droid factory on Geonosis.

第 5 集 Landing at Point Rain
Anakin, Obi-wan, and Ki-Adi-Mundi lead an invasion to stop Poggle the Lesser and the Geonosians from rebuilding their droid army. Things go terribly awry when Geonosian forces shoot down the Republic ships, which crash off-course. Under mounting pressure to accomplish their mission, Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ki-Adi-Mundi each have their own set of challenges to overcome -- hordes of enemy troops, deadly traps, unforgiving terrain, and a massive energy shield.

第 6 集 Weapons Factory
Anakin, Ahsoka, Luminara Unduli and her Padawan, Barriss Offee, lead a mission to destroy a droid factory on Geonosis. But Poggle the Lesser has other plans as he deploys his newest weapon, the indestructible super tanks. Desperate to accomplish their mission before the foundry comes online, the Jedi devise a daring plan in which Anakin and Luminara will act as decoys, diverting the super tanks, while Ahsoka and Barriss infiltrate the plant via a labyrinth of catacombs beneath the city. The plan is risky. The stakes are high. It's their only option, but are the Padawans up to the challenge?

第 7 集 Legacy of Terror
After a battle to destroy a new droid factory on Geonosis, Jedi Master Luminara Unduli disappears while tracking Poggle the Lesser. Obi-Wan and Anakin lead a platoon of clone troopers in search of her. Following her trail, our heroes descend deep into the lair of Karina the Great. To their horror, they learn that the hive is alive and teeming with undead defenders. Apparently, Karina can reanimate and control her subjects. Will Obi-Wan and Anakin overcome Karina's undead horde and find Luminara before it's too late?

第 8 集 Brain Invaders
Medical supplies are desperately needed for a crucial Republic battlefront. While the Jedi Knights transport Poggle the Lesser as a prisoner to Coruscant, the Padawans Barriss Offee and Ahsoka Tano are dispatched to escort the medical frigate to its destination. When Geonosian brain worms take control of the clone troopers aboard their supply ship, Ahsoka and Barriss must battle to stop the vessel from unleashing the deadly plague upon the galaxy.

第 9 集 Grievous Intrigue
Jedi Master Eeth Koth is taken hostage and tortured by General Grievous. Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Adi Gallia devise a daring rescue plan, but they soon realize the General has a plan of his own. The Jedi Knights and the Separatist general try to outmaneuver each other in a ship-to-ship and hand-to-hand battle high over the planet Saleucami.

第 10 集 The Deserter
General Grievous is shot down over Saleucami and crash lands in the wilderness. Obi-Wan leads an expedition to find the droid general. Rex is injured during the search, and must recover in a local farmer's barn, but he is shocked to discover the farmer is a clone deserter.

第 11 集 Lightsaber Lost
During an assignment in the Coruscant underworld, a wily pickpocket steals Ahsoka's lightsaber. Ahsoka enlists the help of an ancient Jedi, Tera Sinube, to track down her weapon and reclaim her honor.

第 12 集 The Mandalore Plot
Alarming rumors about the peace-abiding Duchess Satine of Mandalore prompt Obi-Wan to investigate the secluded planet. Satine wants to keep Mandalore neutral in the Clone Wars, but the actions of a violent splinter group -- Death Watch -- threaten to push the planet towards war.

第 13 集 Voyage of Temptation
Duchess Satine travels from Mandalore to Coruscant on a diplomatic mission, with Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and a team of troopers to defend her. As her luxurious starship, Coronet, makes its way through hyperspace, the Jedi must stop several assassination attempts, and Anakin discovers that Obi-Wan and the Duchess have a history together.

第 14 集 Duchess of Mandalore
On Coruscant, word reaches Duchess Satine that Death Watch is mobilizing, sparking a pre-emptive Republic invasion. On the run from Republic authorities, Satine and Obi-Wan set off to discover the group's true motives.

第 15 集 Senate Murders
When Senator Onaconda Farr dies under suspicious circumstances and the local Inspector appears incompetent, Padmé; sets out to find the person who poisoned her mentor. Following a trail of clues, Padmé and Bail Organa delve into a dangerous world of backstabbing, lies, and secrets controlled by the powerful Senators Mee Deechi and Halle Burtoni. Padmé's search forces her to risk her career and ideals but the true identity of the assassin is even more destructive than she could imagine.

第 16 集 Cat and Mouse
A Separatist blockade surrounds Christophsis. Anakin's fleet is tasked with deploying relief supplies to the surface but they are massively out-gunned and out-maneuvered by the skillful Admiral Trench. Obi-Wan arrives and unveils the Republic's new weapon: a stealth ship. The stealth ship is the last hope at besting the cunning Separatist fleet commander and aiding the battered people of Christophsis.

第 17 集 Bounty Hunters
Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka crash on Felucia and seek aid from the local spice farmers only to learn that the farmers are the ones who are in real need. Beset by Hondo Ohnaka and his band of pirates who plan to steal their crop, the farmers have contracted four deadly bounty hunters to protect their wares. In an unlikely partnership, the Jedi must work with the farmers' hired guns to beat back Hondo and his brigands.

第 18 集 The Zillo Beast
Desperate to turn the tide of a fierce battle on Malastare and win a strategic alliance with the Dugs, Chancellor Palpatine orders the Jedi to drop the Republic's newest super-weapon, an untested electro proton bomb. Unfortunately, the bomb's blast awakens an ancient and fearsome Zillo Beast, a monster of legendary size and ferocity. Now the Jedi must contain this deadly creature despite the interference of the bloodthirsty Dugs, who have their own agenda.

第 19 集 The Zillo Beast Strikes Back
Per Palpatine's order, Republic forces transport a fearsome Zillo Beast back to Coruscant for scientific study. Eager to extract the beast's secrets for military gain, Palpatine orders his lead scientist to examine, and subsequently, kill the monster. Filled with pain and anger, the Zillo Beast escapes from the lab and begins devastating the city. Soon, Anakin, Padmé, and Palpatine find themselves pursued by the beast while the Jedi fight to contain it. In a climactic showdown, the Jedi are faced with having to save the lives of millions of innocents on Coruscant by destroying the Zillo Beast, the last of its kind.

第 20 集 Death Trap
Determined to kill Jedi Master Mace Windu, young Boba Fett poses as a clone cadet and sneaks aboard a Jedi cruiser to plant a bomb in Windu's quarters. But Boba's plan goes awry when the blast fails to kill Mace and, suddenly, every clone aboard is looking for the saboteur. Boba destroys the ship's reactor to create a distraction and, soon, the entire cruiser begins to break apart. Unaware that Boba is the culprit, Boba's new cadet comrades save his life but is he too obsessed with revenge to do the same for them?

第 21 集 R2 Come Home
Boba Fett and his band of bounty hunters lead Anakin and Mace into a deadly trap on Vanqor. It's up to R2-D2 to journey back to Coruscant and warn the Jedi of their brethrens' peril. Battling beast and bounty hunter along the way, the trusty droid finally communicates his warning to Ahsoka and Plo Koon, who rush to Vanqor to save Mace and Anakin from a fiery death.

第 22 集 Lethal Trackdown
Following a nefarious attempt to murder Anakin Skywalker and Mace Windu on Vanqor, Boba Fett and Aurra Sing go into hiding. Jedi Master Plo Koon and Ahsoka Tano set out to capture the bounty hunters. While combing through the lower depths of the Coruscant underworld, Plo and Ahsoka finally learn that Fett and his group are hiding out on Florrum. In a dramatic showdown, Fett is abandoned by Aurra Sing, leaving young Boba angry and bitter in Republic custody.
星球大战:克隆人战争第二季 / Rise of the Bounty Hunters

Cartoon Network / Netflix / Disney+
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