DeadWest - or The Rise of the Horror Genre and the Fall of the Western. Thestory of a western movie actor (Johnny Dust) still trying to make itbig in a western film studio and theme park, when a 'new ..
DeadWest - or The Rise of the Horror Genre and the Fall of the Western. Thestory of a western movie actor (Johnny Dust) still trying to make itbig in a western film studio and theme park, when a 'new managementteam' takes over the park and turns the film studio into a fright-festfor the month of Halloween. Haunted by the image of his dead westernmovie hero, who appears to him on the little screen, Johnny unravels thereal intent of management and its opening night 'spectacular', whichtakes place in the depths of the park's cave.
Dead West - or The Rise of the Horror Genre and the Fall of the Western. The story of a western movie actor (Johnny Dust) still trying to make it big in a western film studio and theme park.