Trial & Retribution is a feature-length ITV police procedural television drama series that began in 1997. It was devised and written by Lynda La Plante as a follow-on from her successful television se..
Trial & Retribution is a feature-length ITV police procedural television drama series that began in 1997. It was devised and written by Lynda La Plante as a follow-on from her successful television series Prime Suspect. Each episode of the Trial & Retribution series was broadcast over two nights. In 2008, series 10 had ten episodes, the longest run of the drama. The last series to date, the twelfth, aired in February 2009.
The team of Det. Supt. Michael Walker, DI North, and DCI Connor follows each case from crime committed, through the pursuit of justice, to the law courts where the efforts of the force will be tested--sometimes to the breaking point.