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美国老爸 第五季

American Dad (2008)

电视 美国 英语 喜剧 动画
AdultSwim 最先在 Cartoon Network 午夜剧场推出的,一个关于一个美国家庭拥有一个CIA工作的老爸 Stan Smith 和一个他从 Area 51 区救出的恩人 shaggy shaggy 的一天到晚就知道酗酒和抽雪茄的 GAY 口音外星生物 Roger,还有一条被CIA秘密换脑的带德语口音的金鱼 Klaus 和金鱼经常时不时挑逗一下的 Stan .. 查看全部
AdultSwim 最先在 Cartoon Network 午夜剧场推出的,一个关于一个美国家庭拥有一个CIA工作的老爸 Stan Smith 和一个他从 Area 51 区救出的恩人 shaggy shaggy 的一天到晚就知道酗酒和抽雪茄的 GAY 口音外星生物 Roger,还有一条被CIA秘密换脑的带德语口音的金鱼 Klaus 和金鱼经常时不时挑逗一下的 Stan Smith 的老婆 Francene(年轻时的放荡不羁的大美女,婚后称职的Housewife),还有俩个 teenager kids,左翼思想严重的反叛女儿 Hayley 和傻乎乎的四眼儿子 Steve...的共同生活的故事。

导演:Caleb Meurer


主演:Seth MacFarlane / Wendy Schaal / Scott Grimes





The escapades of Stan Smith, a conservative C.I.A. Agent dealing with family life, and keeping America safe.
杨雅慧 Michelle Krusiec
布莱恩·科兰斯顿 Bryan Cranston
艾莉·葛瑞那 Ari Graynor
蕾莎·海利 Leisha Hailey
塞思·麦克法兰 Seth MacFarlane
第 5 季 共 20 集

第 1 集 1600 Candles
The Smiths' plans to celebrate Roger's 1,600th birthday are sidetracked when Steve announces that he's finally going through puberty. Ever fearful of the thought of a Steve with raging hormones, Stan and Francine try to bypass the pains of having another teenager with experimental medicine.

第 2 集 The One That Got Away
When Roger discovers that someone has maxed out his credit card, he is certain it is identify theft and is determined to bring down the crook. After playing "Matlock" for a few days and dishing out some street justice, he realizes things are not quite right and seem all too familiar.

第 3 集 One Little Word
When Stan becomes his boss' go-to guy, he feels like he can't say no to anything including outrageous personal requests. But when Francine gets roped into the annoying ordeal and her romantic Valentine's Day get-away is ruined, she lays down the law and forces Stan to say "NO".

第 4 集 Choosey Wives Choose Smith
Stan becomes jealous when he finds out Francine was once engaged to a pilot whose plane crashed. Little does she know that her former fiancé is still alive, and when Stan realizes this, he and Roger try to track him down, while Francine must choose between her husband or her lost love.

第 5 集 Escape from Pearl Bailey
Steve plots his revenge against all the popular girls who torment nerds and losers at his school.

第 6 集 Pulling Double Booty
Hayley breaks up with her boyfriend and falls for Stan's body double from the CIA. Things take a bizarre twist when the double begins hitting on Francine.

第 7 集 Phantom of the Telethon
Roger suggests Stan hold a telethon to raise funds after the CIA's budget cut, but when Stan takes all the credit for the idea, Roger tries to sabotage it.

第 8 集 Chimdale
When Steve suffers indignities in school because of the back brace he must wear for his scoliosis, Stan confides in him that he wears a wig to cover his baldness. Meanwhile, Roger invites both Francine and Hayley to a posh spa even though he has only two passes, so he sneaks in Hayley in a suitcase, raising the suspicions of the house detective.

第 9 集 Stan Time
Stan is ecstatic when a co-worker gives him pills that allow him to stay up all night but feel like he slept for eight hours.

第 10 集 Family Affair
When the Smiths try to plan a family game night, Roger is full of excuses about prior commitments. However, when he is caught in a lie, the Smiths feel stabbed in the back when they realize Roger has been cheating on them with other families. Stan, Francine, Hayley and Steve go on the offensive to teach Roger a lesson about monogamy until Roger has a breakthrough about why he isn't a one family kind-of-guy.

第 11 集 Live and Let Fry
When Langley Falls implements a ban on trans fats, Stan finds himself legally separated from his favorite foods. He sets a poor example for the rest of the family when he blatantly disregards the law by crossing county lines and using Steve as a trans-fatty food mule to satisfy his own gluttonous desires.

第 12 集 Roy Rogers McFreely
When Stan forgets to pick up grenadine at the grocery store, Roger goes ballistic and vows to get him back by taking over a project close to his heart – the Homeowner’s Association.

第 13 集 Jack's Back
Steve signs Stan up for a father-son bike tournament, but the plan veers off-track when Stan admits that his father never taught him how to ride a bike. Determined to make things better, Steve helps reconcile Stan with his convict father. Meanwhile, Hayley needs internship credit for school, so Roger hires her to bartend at his makeshift bar in the attic.

第 14 集 Bar Mitzvah Shuffle
Steve and the gang sabotage a stuck-up kid's bar mitzvah after he hits on Steve's girlfriend, Debbie. But when Snot gets wrongly accused of stealing the kid's bar mitzvah money, he must answer to the Rabbi and his own celebration is in jeopardy. Meanwhile, Stan and Francine pitch a cell phone idea to Verizon, but the plan gets fuzzy when they can't deliver the goods.

第 15 集 Wife Insurance
When Stan gets kidnapped in Colombia, Francine fears he's gone for good. Stan finally reappears unharmed, but the real trouble erupts in the Smith household when he admits that he has a plan to marry his dentist if Francine dies before him. Meanwhile, Steve and Roger play detective duo "Wheels and the Legman."

第 16 集 Delorean Story-An
Stan is excited about finally building his dream car: a DeLorean. Francine encourages him to include Steve, so the two take a road trip in search of doors for the sports car. The trip veers off-track when there is a mad dash across the country to get the last set of doors available.

第 17 集 Every Which Way But Lose
Steve joins a junior football team to make Stan proud. However, when a hyper-competitive Stan assumes the position of head coach, Steve gets kicked off the team for not being good enough. Out for revenge, Steve and Roger recruit a new team of misfits who threaten Stan's perfect season. Meanwhile, Francine and Hayley compete for a blue ribbon at the Langley County Fair.

第 18 集 Weiner of Our Discontent
Stan has had enough of Roger's antics! When he calls Roger out, Roger claims he has been sent to Earth to determine the fate of mankind. Stan challenges him to prove it, and is tickled pink when he learns Roger's real purpose for being on Earth. Roger struggles to get a grip on reality until a fateful turn of events helps put things in perspective.

第 19 集 Daddy Queerest
Neighbors Terry and Greg are nervous when Terry's father, football great Tank Bates, announces that he will be coming to town for a visit. Terry is worried because his dad doesn't know he's gay, has a baby or lives with his partner. Meanwhile, Steve goes on a drunken bender and learns the meaning of the phrase beer goggles.

第 20 集 Stan's Night Out
Stan leaves Francine at home to go out with the boys, but guys' night out goes from wild to reckless when Stan finds himself in one compromising situation after another. Meanwhile, Roger and Hayley use their charm and looks to attract a frat boy.

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