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阿努比斯公寓 第一季

House of Anubis (2011)

电视 英国 美国 英语 剧情 悬疑 家庭
来自美国的女孩妮娜·马丁(Nathalia Ramos饰)离开奶奶,来到英国一所寄宿学校,住进一栋已有近百年历史的老宅子——阿努比斯公寓中。她刚刚入住,学校中一名叫乔伊的女生却神秘地被人接走了,学校方面刻意封锁有关消息,谁也不知道到底是为什么。乔伊在公寓里的床位被分配给了妮娜。而乔伊的室友、好朋友帕翠莎看到乔伊被妮娜所代替,心中疑惑重重,决心一定要把这一切都查个水落石出。与此同时,妮娜在公寓门外碰.. 查看全部
来自美国的女孩妮娜·马丁(Nathalia Ramos饰)离开奶奶,来到英国一所寄宿学校,住进一栋已有近百年历史的老宅子——阿努比斯公寓中。她刚刚入住,学校中一名叫乔伊的女生却神秘地被人接走了,学校方面刻意封锁有关消息,谁也不知道到底是为什么。乔伊在公寓里的床位被分配给了妮娜。而乔伊的室友、好朋友帕翠莎看到乔伊被妮娜所代替,心中疑惑重重,决心一定要把这一切都查个水落石出。与此同时,妮娜在公寓门外碰到一位老妇人,从她手里得到一个神秘挂饰。关于这个挂饰的秘密,就藏在公寓楼的阁楼里。严苛的楼管维克多,却将阁楼与地下室列为绝对禁止学生入内的禁地……这栋老宅子,到底还藏着什么样的秘密? 尼克频道2011年新剧《阿努比斯公寓》,大部分演员为英国人,拍摄在英国进行。虽为美国公司投资制作,却绝对可以算作一部英剧。

导演:Angelo Abela

编剧:Hans H.Grande

主演:Travis Dhanraj / 布拉德·卡瓦纳 / 杰德·拉姆西 / 安娜·穆尔沃伊·滕 / 巴比·洛克伍德





When one of their number disappears on the same day that an American girl joins their ranks, a group of English boarding school students embarks on solving a mystery.
布拉德·卡瓦纳 Brad Kavanagh
杰德·拉姆西 Jade Ramsey
安娜·穆尔沃伊·滕 Ana Mulvoy Ten
巴比·洛克伍德 Bobby Lockwood
Travis Dhanraj
保罗·安东尼·巴伯 Paul Antony-Barber
饰 Mr. Eric Sweet
泰西·劳伦斯 Tasie Lawrence
尤金·西蒙 Eugene Michael Simon
艾米莉亚·琼斯 Emilia Jones
娜塔莉亚·罗蒙丝 Nathalia Ramos
克劳迪亚·杰西 Claudia Jessie
饰 Sophia Danae
第 1 季 共 27 集

第 1 集 House of Secrets / House of Attitude / House of the Black Bird / House of Dares / House of Lies
New student Nina, arrives from America at Anubis House – a spooky old boarding house at the school that is to be her home for the next few years.

第 2 集 House of Locks / House of Eyes
Whilst hiding from Victor, Nina accidentally opens a secret panel in the attic with her pendant and sees a pair of eyes looking out at her! Patricia persuades Mara to help her steal Joy’s file from Mr Sweet’s office, instigating a bag search by Victor.

第 3 集 House of Agendas / House of Keys
Patricia reports Joy as a missing person to the police. After looking up the hieroglyphic symbols from the back of the old painting, Fabian and Nina manage to crack the code leading them to the staircase where they find the next clue."

第 4 集 House of Discovery / House of Hyper
Nina and Fabian sneak up to the attic and find some strange wax cylinders. They take the wax cylinders to Fabian’s uncle who runs an antique shop and find out they are phonograph cylinders.

第 5 集 House of Cheats / House of Rumors
Nina and Fabian sneak back into the attic to listen to the cylinders but it makes a loud screeching sound and they have to abandon their plans. Patricia sees someone hanging around on the school grounds and is freaked out, thinking it’s a ghost.

第 6 集 House of Intruders / House of Proof
Mick finds out Mara cheated for him and falls out with her. Amber discovers a secret message written behind the wallpaper. Amber and Nina go to the old people’s home to visit Sarah and confirm that she is the girl from the recordings.

第 7 集 House of Confrontation / House of Alarms
Patricia meets her “ghost” again in the woods, but this time they talk and he tells her he is actually a private investigator and he’ll help her find Joy.

第 8 集 House of Flames / House of Passages
Patricia spots Nina’s necklace and recognizes it as the Eye of Horus. The gang opens the next puzzle piece to reveal the second riddle. The teachers confiscate Patricia’s phone and find out she’s been in contact with Rufus Zeno.

第 9 集 House of Kidnap / House of Cat-Nap
The gang lets Patricia in on the secret, and debates the possibility that Victor might be drinking an elixir of life.

第 10 集 House of Cameras / House of Numbers
With Trudy gone, Victor installs security cameras to spy on the kids.

第 11 集 House of Scares / House of Fakers
The security cameras are removed and Trudy returns to the house. The gang goes back down to the cellar to find proof of the elixir, and comes face to face with something terrifying…

第 12 集 House of Identity / House of Emergency
Alfie gets trapped in the cellar whilst going back to retrieve his zombie mask. Jerome enlists Fabian’s help to rescue a shaken and traumatized Alfie from the cellar.

第 13 集 House of Reunion / House of Memories
Nina is trying to distance herself from the gang but still can’t help solving the latest riddle leading them to an old dictionary which can only be opened with her locket. Patricia rescues Rufus from the hospital and hides him in the woods.

第 14 集 House of Drama / House of Codes
The gang works out they could be searching for the Cup of Ankh and plot to steal the puzzle piece from Victor’s safe. Then, during the school play, Patricia spots Joy…

第 15 集 House of Risk / House of Thieves
Patricia plans to meet with Joy, but plans go awry.

第 16 集 House of Hazard / House of Charades
Having kidnapped Patricia, Rufus attempts to blackmail Mr. Sweet and the Society.

第 17 集 House of Rendezvous / House of Rescue
Fabian manages to track Nina and Amber to the warehouse and rescue them. The gang manages to rescue Patricia but Rufus drives off and escapes. They give Mrs Andrews an ultimatum to give them some answers within the next twenty four hours.

第 18 集 House of Arrest / House of Hoax
The toxicology report arrives from the hospital – Nina and Fabian sneak into Victor’s office to read it. Fabian confides to Nina that he lost one of the puzzle pieces, luckily Patricia finds out that Alfie has it and manages to rescue it.

第 19 集 House of Time / House of Aliens
The latest riddle leads them to the grandfather clock, but when they open it it’s empty. Alfie is still fishing around so the gang tells him he was right all along about aliens.

第 20 集 House of Masks / House of Pursuit
The gang decide to return to the cellar to collect a sample of the elixir, with Alfie insisting that he should go alone to prove himself. Victor is suspicious when he discovers the gang were helped in their school play research by a woman called Sarah.

第 21 集 House of Yesterday / House of Victory
Victor arranges for Sarah to visit the house where we find out about their childhood together.

第 22 集 House of Bribes / House of Venom
Mara is furious that Mick cheated for her in the school elections. Nina attends Sarah’s funeral then witnesses a confrontation between Rufus and Victor at the care home. Victor tries to find out how much Nina knows, but she is giving nothing away.

第 23 集 House of the Stars / House of Harsh
It’s Nina’s unlucky day when Victor padlocks the attic door to stop her going up there again. Now she can’t get to the puzzle pieces! The Sibunas plan to go down into the cellar, to collect some of the elixir and try to crack the latest clue.

第 24 集 House of Lights / House of Allegiance
Jerome poses as Alfie’s savior after his failed cellar mission. He demands that Alfie repays him by secretly passing him information on the Sibuna Club. Alfie and Jerome fall out when Jerome accidentally reveals that he is working for Rufus.

第 25 集 House of Pests / House of Betrayal
Victor plants an “infestation” of mice in the house as an excuse to keep the children away overnight.

第 26 集 House of Revelation / House of Heavy
Jerome gives Rufus Alfie’s puzzle piece much to the dismay of Alfie. Nina hatches a plan to bring Rufus to Anubis House and trick him into bringing the missing puzzle piece.

第 27 集 House of Hush / House of Spies / House of Sting / House of Never / House of Forever
Joy fails in her attempts to assemble the Cup of Ankh. Could Nina be the Chosen One instead? The Sibunas face their toughest challenge as Rufus makes his final play for immortality at any cost.
英国 美国

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