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迷糊餐厅 第二季

WORKING'!! (2011)

电视 日本 日语 动画
【STORY】 故事舞台发生于大家所熟悉的日本北海道“瓦古娜利亚”的家庭餐馆。在“瓦古娜利亚”里工作的,全是极具个性及形象的人员,包括迷你控的小鸟游宗太、人家一点也不小的种岛白杨、恐惧男性却又殴打男性的伊波真昼、以及常携带日本刀上班的轰八千代等,每天看著他们的互.. 查看全部
【STORY】 故事舞台发生于大家所熟悉的日本北海道“瓦古娜利亚”的家庭餐馆。在“瓦古娜利亚”里工作的,全是极具个性及形象的人员,包括迷你控的小鸟游宗太、人家一点也不小的种岛白杨、恐惧男性却又殴打男性的伊波真昼、以及常携带日本刀上班的轰八千代等,每天看著他们的互动真的使人十分开心。 【STAFF】 原作:高津カリノ 监督:大槻敦史 系列构成:吉冈たかを 角色设计・总作画监督:足立慎吾 音楽:MONACA 制作:A-1 Pictures 【CAST】 小鸟游宗太:福山润 种岛白杨:阿澄佳奈 伊波真昼:藤田咲 轰八千代:喜多村英梨 白藤杏子:渡边久美子 佐藤润:小野大辅 相马博臣:神谷浩史 小鸟游一枝:白石凉子 小鸟游泉:日笠阳子 小鸟游梢:伊藤静 小鸟游荠:齐藤桃子 音尾兵吾:中田让治 松本麻耶:川濑晶子 真柴阳平:中村悠一 真柴美月:户松遥 ほか

导演:大槻敦史 / 佐藤真人 / 水本叶月 / 中津环 / 星野真 / 松田清 / 铃木健太郎 / 大畑清隆 / 藤井辰己

编剧:吉冈孝夫 / 伊藤美智子 / 雾海正悟

主演:福山润 / 阿澄佳奈 / 藤田咲 / 喜多村英梨 / 渡边久美子 / 小野大辅 / 神谷浩史 / 中村悠一 / 广桥凉 / 中田让治 / 川濑晶子 / 白石凉子 / 日笠阳子 / 伊藤静 / 斋藤桃子 / 户松遥 / 水泽史绘 / 矢作纱友里 / 岩男润子 / 日野聪





Due to his love for small, cute things, Souta Takanashi cannot turn childlike Popura Taneshima down when she recruits him to work for Wagnaria, a family restaurant located in Hokkaido. Takanashi takes particular joy in doting on the older Popura, which only fuels her complex over how young she looks. He also quickly learns he must stay on his toes once he meets the rest of his colleagues, including the katana-wielding floor chief Yachiyo Todoroki, the intimidating head chef Jun Satou, the dangerously well-informed and subtly sadistic sous chef Hiroomi Souma, the adamantly lazy manager Kyouko Shirafuji, and the waitress Mahiru Inami who has a painful fear of men. Powered by an eccentric cast, Working!! is a unique workplace comedy that follows the never-dull happenings within the walls of Wagnaria as Takanashi and his co-workers' quirky personalities combine to create non-stop antics, shenanigans, and hilarity.
大槻敦史 Atsushi Otsuki
佐藤真人 Satou Masato
水本叶月 Hazuki Mizumoto
中津环 Nakatsu Tamaki
星野真 Hosino Makoto
松田清 Matsuda Kiyoshi
铃木健太郎 Suzuki Kentarou
大畑清隆 Oohata Kiyotaka
藤井辰己 Fujii Tatsumi
福山润 Jun Fukuyama
阿澄佳奈 Kana Asumi
藤田咲 Saki Fujita
第 2 季 共 13 集

第 1 集 Popura's Nature
Popura becomes upset with Sota constantly calling her small. Later, Sota becomes devastated when Kyoko kills a bug, inadvertently insulting Popura and Inami in the process.

第 2 集 Ideal Family Planning
Aoi becomes curious about Hiroomi's secret life and drags Popura into stalking him, despite the fact he is completely aware of it. Later, Popura tries to get Sota to treat Mahiru nicer. Tired of Jun's teasing, Popura tries to get revenge on him which does not go to plan. Meanwhile, Aoi acts very clingy around Otoo after he comes back from his recent trip.

第 3 集 I'm In a Slump
Sōta's novelist sister Izumi enters a slump when she assumes he is dating Popura and will stop paying attention to her. She decides to go on a journey where she ends up meeting Mahiru who helps cheer her up. As Sōta looks after Izumi, Nazuna helps out at Wagnaria, which annoys Aoi who believes she is outshining her. After hearing about it, Nazuna puts on an act to make Aoi feel better about herself.

第 4 集 Manhole Spiral
Whilst out shopping for some more cream, Kyōko and Yachiyo end up meeting Otoo's long lost wife, Haruna. As Yachiyo debates whether to tell Kyōko about her, she disappears again. As Yachiyo feels guilty about it, Mahiru learns about Jun's one-sided crush on Yachiyo and starts feeling sorry for him, leading Sōta to believe she has a crush on Jun. With some support from Jun, Yachiyo apologises to Otoo after he returns and cheers up.

第 5 集 Wagnaria's Big Stomach
Popura and the others try to think of ways to help Sōta get along better with Kyōko. Wanting to be spoiled in a similar manner to Kyōko, Aoi starts learning how to make parfaits, much to the dismay of Jun. In order to stop Kyōko from eating everything in the store, Hiyoomi tells a white lie which leaves her stunned. When Sōta finds a lost girl, Kyōko is told to look after her, and even avoids taking her food. After the girl is reunited with her mother, Jun gives Kyōko some food as thanks.

第 6 集 Hired, Fired, Tired
Popura and Jun end up catching colds due to Aoi's clumsiness, so Kyōko calls in two of her juniors, Yohei and Mitsuki Mashiba, twin siblings who don't get along. When Kyōko offers to put someone else in charge of looking after Inami, Sōta becomes upset and falls out with Inami, but Inami soon manages to build up the courage to make up with him.

第 7 集 Bad Tuning of Love
Mahiru meets a boy calling himself Kirio Yamada, who she believes might be Aoi's brother. As he is able to withstand her punches, Mahiru ends up conversing well with Kirio, who starts developing feelings for her, but Sōta becomes downhearted when he sees the two getting along. He begins acting strangely the next day and ends up bashing his head against the wall, leading him to think he might've become a masochist. Later, Kozue manages to get the waitresses to dress up in animal cosplay.

第 8 集 Oh, Sister
Sōta becomes depressed when he discovers Nazuna has grown as tall as him and has Popura act like his little sister for the day. Mahiru becomes jealous of this and works with Hiroomi to try and get Sōta to call her cute. The next day, Kirio comes to Wagnaria to look for his sister, but finds himself coming into conflict with the men, whilst Hiroomi attempts to keep him and Aoi from meeting each other.

第 9 集 Love is So Global
Jun takes Yachiyo to buy a cellphone, whilst Kozue takes a liking to Yohei. Meanwhile, Mitsuki becomes suspicious of Jun's familiarity with Yachiyo whilst Yamada runs away after Sōta scolds her.

第 10 集 Cell Phone, No Problem
Mahiru finds herself a bit too close to Sōta for comfort when he tries to stop a tower of boxes from falling on her, which leads her to become a bit fearful of him the next day. This turns into a complete freakout after she discovers Sota touching her head whilst she was asleep and stops coming into work. Later, Poplar gets locked in the freezer and initially suspects Jun, but soon finds Aoi just did it accidentally. After Mahiru doesn't show up at work all week, Sōta goes to visit her in Kotori-guise to apologise and exchange phone numbers.

第 11 集 It's Resolve, is that a Problem?
Aoi searches for her teddy bear, Daisy, only to find that Jun had just put it in her room. Later, Yachiyo overhears a conversation between Jun and Mitsuki and assumes the two are going out with each other. As Jun notices her weird behaviour, he takes some advice from Popura to put some pressure on himself to sort things out with her.

第 12 集 Daisy Dies
Popura and Aoi try to help Mahiru train to cure her androphobia by dressing her up as a guy, but with no such luck. Later, Sōta and Mahiru start exchanging text messages, which causes Izumi to worry. Sōta also runs into Kirio, who manages to deduce that Mahiru has feelings for him. Later one night, Aoi gets locked out of the restaurant, but Jun manages to sort things out for her. Later, Popura and Aoi try to help out Mahiru's progress by exposing her to the other men, only for her to nearly end up punching Hiroomi. Meanwhile, Popura becomes elated when she is finally able to reach the broken items report sheet that was normally out of her reach.

第 13 集 Farewell Popura
Whilst Popuar is pleased to finally reach the report sheet, Sōta is horrified by the thought of her growing taller. Whilst talking about the future, Aoi ends up turning a statement from Popura that she might have to leave Wagnaria some time in the future to a rumour that she is actually quitting, which she spreads to the other staff members. As the staff have their concerns over this, much to the annoyance of Maya the bird, Popura is confused by their weird reactions to her. After Maya helps Popura with her worries, the truth about Aoi's rumour soon comes out.
ワーキング!! 2期 / WORKING!! 2

Tokyo MX
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