我们有史以来第一次以如此清晰的方式,目睹胚胎在一个月大到十星期大这个过程中的面部形成过程——直到这个过程结束,胚胎的体积也还只有一颗菜豆那么大。不过,更令人震惊的或许是影片本身——在子宫中,人类的“变形”并不比什么科幻动画与电影作品中的机器人来得平淡。胚胎的发育是地球生物演化数十亿年的缩影,人类的本源和几乎所有其它生物一样,在于鱼类。因此,人类的眼睛也同样是先出现在头的两侧,到后来才转移到中间;你的下唇与颚部最初出现在颈部的位置,一如鱼类的腮,而上唇和鼻孔则是从脑袋的上方逐渐降下来和下面“合体这一切扭曲、旋转、移动与拼接浑然天成,没有一道疤痕和缺口,不过在拼接的交汇处终究还是留下了一点痕迹,那就是你的人中以上内容出自BBC节目Inside the Human Body,由Michael Mosley博士主持。节目中还介绍了诸如“打嗝是从鱼类和两栖类继承下来的行为哦”等等有趣知识。
Inside The Human Body - takes us deep under our skin where we are dwarfed by even the smallest cell, where blood vessels becomevast cathedrals and the tiniest cluster of cilia becomes an expansive forest.
The story of human biological creation. The programme follows the progress of a couple who are expecting triplets, from the 4D scan when they first come face-to-face with their babies to the dramatic finale of birth. Plus, meet a woman expecting her 16th baby and the oldest conjoined twins in the world.
第 2 集 First to Last
In this episode, Michael Mosley shows how existence is a struggle and how, minute by minute, from your first breath to your last, your body performs countless small miracles to keep you alive.
第 3 集 Building Your Brain
Michael Mosley traces our development from birth to adulthood, and reveals that the human brain is so sophisticated it takes more than twenty years to mature.
第 4 集 Hostile World
Michael Mosley reveals the ingenious ways in which your body defends itself against a hostile world - where sunlight shatters your DNA and every breath contains microbes that can kill.